Worshiping in God’s Story
We worship a God who invites us into his story. He steps into ours long enough to meet us where we are, but he doesn't leave us there. He invites us to enter into something bigger and grander than our stories could ever be.
The God of Fire
Though marred by the stains our own grievous sins against a holy God, we are nonetheless the crown of his Creation clothed in the glory and honor of the image of the Creator himself. As loudly as all Creation in its vast beauty screams of the glory of its Maker, its worship will always fall short without a tongue to articulate its praises. Without a mind to comprehend just a bit of an infinite God. Without a heart to love him and without a soul to rejoice in his vast love for us and in all that he has done.
An Appalachian Beauty
To this people neighbors aren’t simply those who live near you but family. And family isn’t just those you’re related to, but flesh and blood. Here in Appalachia, blood runs deeper than the coal beneath the mountains.
God isn’t holding out on you. He’s pulled out all the stops, not holding anything back that will do you any good. He’s already offered up to you His only son. Sacrificed for you was the man who was fully God, perfect in every way, holy, righteous, and pure by his own accord, worth more than anything there is to imagine. Why would he withhold from you anything of benefit that is worth so much less than what he’s already given you?